The basic authenticator class authorizes a user using the basic authentication
scheme. The credentials are read from the Authorization
header of a request.
Authorization: Basic <credentials>
The credentials are constructed by combining the username and the password with a colon username:password
, and then by encoding it in base64 dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Pyncer\Access\BasicAuthenticator;
use Pyncer\Data\Mapper\MapperAdaptor;
use Pyncer\Data\MapperQuery\FiltersQueryParam;
use Pyncer\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Vendor\Site\Identifier as ID;
use Vendor\Site\Table\User\UserMapper;
use Vendor\Site\Table\User\UserMapperQuery;
// $request: ServerRequestInterface
// $handler: RequestHandlerInterface
$connection = $handler->get(ID::DATABASE);
// Set up a mapper adaptor to select a user from the database using the
// credentials found in the authorization header. In this case the user
// database uses 'username' and 'password' as the field names so no key
// formatter is needed.
$userMapperQuery = new UserMapperQuery();
$userMapperQuery->setFilter(new FiltersQueryParam(
'enabled eq true and deleted eq false'
$userMapperAdaptor = new MapperAdaptor(
mapper: new UserMapper($connection),
mapperQuery: $userMapperQuery,
$access = new BasicAuthenticator(
userMapperAdaptor: $userMapperAdaptor,
request: $request,
realm: 'my-app',
$response = $access->getResponse($handler);
if ($response !== null) {
// WWW-Authenticate response
} elseif ($access->hasAuthenticated()) {
// Authenticated
} else {
// No Authorization header